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Please go through all the details below before ordering: 

Premades Price List
Single cover  .....................................  $450

Second book in a series?
Well, depends on your request.
Minor tweaking like colour or title will be charged  $50 Replace the main object $300
Other than that, it's basically making a new cover.
Please make sure you provide us all the titles, sub text/quotes if you want, and your
Authors name. If you have any questions please contact us before you order :)
Additional text Changes ..............  $25
Once creating your book cover any other text
modification will be charged.

Additional Format  .......................  $50
Once creating your book cover any additional format
will be charged.


Wrap Around Cover ...............................................................................................  $50


Once you bought a cover from me I can design a full wrap-around cover, so you can start selling a physical copy of your book on Amazon.

Just send me a request to PSYCAT STUDIO and once comissioned the fees send me those details:

1. Title of your Book so I know which book we're talking about.


2. Book Size in inches as per the options on CreateSpace. If you've not already formatted your book 6" x 9" is good.


3. Number of Pages of the final formatted work. PLEASE NOTE: If you've not yet formatted the book please don't send the info because I can't start the work. If by some reason the pages number will be changed then We'll have to start Over & you will be charged again.

3a. Decide on pages: cream or white on the inside, since it makes a difference to the spine width.


3b. Format first.


4. Back Material. This can be whatever you want. PLEASE NOTE: The more text you put on there the smaller it's going to be. Around 100-200 words is good. 300-400 words is starting to be excessive. Make sure this is your final version, Double check and proof read it. Any changes made afterwards will be charged.

Misc Design Options
Audio CD .......................................  $50
Have an audio book? We can make your book cover to fit an audio book. Sizes: 1800px * 1800px or less please specify when ordering.

3D Simulation ...............................  $20
You need a cool way to advertise your book? We can make your book cover look like a real book, just let us know the right size

Web Banner ..................................  $50
If you advertise with banners, we can create verious banners. You'll need to provide us with size & Text. Verious of templates available.
Web Banners Set (6 sizes)..........  $100
If you advertise in several sites which demands several sizes  you can order this set of banners. 
Facebook Timeline .........................  $50
You can create your own group or just advertise your upcoming book on your own time line & We can help You design that.

Post Images ....................................  $50
If you advertise your book in groups or maybe in your blog
We can make you an Image to fit right in. Size 470x450px.
Headers ............................................ $50
Do you have a blog? or maybe your own site? Would you like a new header? We can do that as well :)
MultiPack ....................................... $200
1. 3D Simulation + Facebook timeline + Banner+ Header
2. Audio CD + Facebook Timeline + Post + Header
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