Please go through all the details below before ordering:
Premades Price List
Single cover ..................................... $450
Second book in a series?
Well, depends on your request.
Minor tweaking like colour or title will be charged $50 Replace the main object $300
Other than that, it's basically making a new cover.
Please make sure you provide us all the titles, sub text/quotes if you want, and your
Authors name. If you have any questions please contact us before you order :)
Additional text Changes .............. $25
Once creating your book cover any other text
modification will be charged.
Additional Format ....................... $50
Once creating your book cover any additional format
will be charged.
Wrap Around Cover ............................................................................................... $50
Once you bought a cover from me I can design a full wrap-around cover, so you can start selling a physical copy of your book on Amazon.
Just send me a request to PSYCAT STUDIO and once comissioned the fees send me those details:
1. Title of your Book so I know which book we're talking about.
2. Book Size in inches as per the options on CreateSpace. If you've not already formatted your book 6" x 9" is good.
3. Number of Pages of the final formatted work. PLEASE NOTE: If you've not yet formatted the book please don't send the info because I can't start the work. If by some reason the pages number will be changed then We'll have to start Over & you will be charged again.
3a. Decide on pages: cream or white on the inside, since it makes a difference to the spine width.
3b. Format first.
4. Back Material. This can be whatever you want. PLEASE NOTE: The more text you put on there the smaller it's going to be. Around 100-200 words is good. 300-400 words is starting to be excessive. Make sure this is your final version, Double check and proof read it. Any changes made afterwards will be charged.